How many weeks of rewards will I get from NFT?
The estimated lifetime of rewards for your NFT's that earn POLC/week, is published on the "My Assets" page top right corner. This number is po...
Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 at 7:20 PM
Where do the rewards come from?
The rewards are generated from new NFT asset sales. This number fluctuates as new NFT's are purchased and added to the wallet. In the future, the Team w...
Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 at 7:24 PM
How is the amount of each NFT's remaining calculated?
Currently there are 2 chains that Polka City NFT's exist. ETH and BSC, each share the total amount listed on each chain. Example: for the Akita dog NFT,...
Tue, 26 Oct, 2021 at 7:32 PM
How Do I Login To The Game And Adjust Settings?
Please review this article. This will guide you through the process and get you ready to enter the Metaverse. https://support.polkacity.io/a/solutions/arti...
Fri, 5 Aug, 2022 at 9:38 PM