Step 1. (Windows Users Only)


We Recommend adding a new folder to your desktop labeled "Polkacity" before proceeding. This is where you will extract the Polkacity game files to.


Right click your desktop and click NEW and then FOLDER. Label this folder POLKACITY

Step 2. (Windows Users Only)

Now that you have added the new empty Polkacity folder to your desktop, its time to download & install the necessary software to extract the game files. 


Download and install the latest FREE VERSION version of WinRAR

Click Here --->        

Step 3. (Windows Users Only)

Its time to download & Extract The POLKACITY METAVERSE 

Click Here --->

Once the download is completed, you're going to open the zipped files that you just downloaded. They should look like this unless you use a different extractor software.

Next, you will need to click the EXTRACT TO BUTTON. These files will need to be extracted to the folder you created earlier on your desktop labeled "POLKACITY"

Now open the folder where you extracted your Polkacity Metaverse files

Click the file labeled Polka City. This will open the Polkacity Metaverse software. Congratulations!

If you have any issues during setup please reach out to tech support here